Island Time Head Huggers

Island Time Head Huggers knit and crochet chemo hats for those in need. We are the first satellite group in Canada of the International organization, Head Huggers (, which is located in Maryland, USA.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A child can make you smile

Today Sue and I met for lunch , and as she dropped off more hats she told me a story that not only made me smile but brought a tear to my eye. Sue always has her knitting with her and a few days ago when this story happened she was with her husband. After they had finished up his work , they stopped by the Thrifty's store. Now Sue had also at this time just finished making a small beautiful lace design cap in white - just the perfect size for a small toddler.

In the grocery store Sue came across a mother with a small child who looked to have just learnt how to walk. Sue told the mother that the little girl was very pretty and the mother told her the the litle girl was very special. Sue found out that the little girl had just recently learnt to walk even though she was now 2 years old. The girl was behind in her developement because she had a tumour removed and had gone through radiation treatments. That was why the little girl had no hair also.
Sue immediatley asked if she could give the mother and child a gift. She left her cart and went to the truck and retrieved the knitted hat and then went back to the mother and child . The little girl alowed Sue to put on the hat which looked lovely. Sue explained why she knits hats and what our group is all about. The mother showed tears of happiness. For Sue it was the moment that showed her and all of us why we make these hats ... to see the smile on the child and the tears of the mother - grateful that a stranger would care about them.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

End Of Summer

Well everyone - I'm back from holidays with the children and now another week of August and we're back to school . Hurray!!
That also mean more time to tackle making hats. Our response has being wonderful and continues to grow . I wil be doing a information blitz on our group and its project aiming at the variety of churchs and local seniors groups for volunteers starting locally . Anyone wanting their church or seniors group to have this information just give me a call at 250-245-0070 or email me at .

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Summer Trip

Well everyone - the summer is quickly passing us by and its now my turn with my family to take a trip . So I talk to all of you when I get back at the end of the month. Till then Happy Knitting and Crocheting. [ of course I still need to take along my knitting - need to catch up to Sue - she makes 4 hats to my 1 ... not fair ]